President Obama

The Hero

Posted by JumpyPants

Josh Marshall has posted the President's remarks on ethics reform in full, and they are well worth the few minutes it takes to read them. As you read them, if you are anything like me, you will feel like you're watching a scene in a Hollywood movie, for instance, The Shawshank Redemption, where the hero, after being cudgeled and shamed for nearly two hours, is finally rising up and becoming the man he always was, a man who is getting busy with the business of living. The tunnel in the concrete has been carved with a spoon, you've made it through the tunnel of human waste, you are standing in the field, free, as the rain pours down upon you, and you are just so glad to be alive, having made it out of the long, dark prison that has entrapped you for too long, and yet it is that prison which has made you the person you are, it is the cudgels that have made you strong, not just of body, but of mind and spirit.

Read the whole thing. Here's the best line, one for the ages:

Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.