
The Jobs Bill

Maybe I'm overworked and stressed out these days, but I can't help but to think that the Democrats have no interest in retaining their majorities in November. They're just walking away. And it's a shame because heretofore they've accomplished some pretty great things. Yet they refuse to advertise their successes, and now this jobs bill. John Cole writes:

What is fifteen billion? A couple weeks of unemployment benefits? Not to go all Everett Dirksen and everything, but we ***LOST*** almost that much in Iraq, and no one flinched.

The CBO says the bill will create 200,000 jobs, and that's a good thing. We'll take those jobs. But imagine what $150 billion would do. Imagine what $300 billion would do. Unemployment is still high (and admittedly shrinking) and the Democrats' fate rests upon it continuing to tick downward, and so what do they do? They pass a weakened bill, then refuse to brag about it to a point where I'm sure many observers believe that President Scott Brown wrote, passed and signed it himself.

Unemployment needs to descend rapidly, as do the Democratic testicles. And while I'm sure they want the former, there's very little to prove interest in the latter.