Senator Barack Obama

The McBuschies Stole Our Laughter

And now we're humorless fussbudgets!

Maureen Dowd on the New Yorker cover:

At first blush, it would seem to be a positive for Obama that he is hard to mock. But on second thought, is it another sign that he’s trying so hard to be perfect that it’s stultifying? Or that eight years of W. and Cheney have robbed Democratic voters of their sense of humor?

Yes, cartoons are funny regardless of whether they're funny. Like this one and this one, for instance. Can't find the funny in those either. So maybe Dowd is right. The McBuschies stole our laughter!

Meanwhile, when I wrote this week that the cover should've instead satirized a redneck repeating the Muslim rumors... I had no idea there was a real guy like that:

Help me, Dowd! I'm still looking for the funny in this:

"Both if we could. HAR-HAR-HEH-HEH." Can't find the funny there either. Snap. Dowd's right.

UPDATE: That guy appears to be for real.