Republican Party

The Negative Narrative

by Lee Stranahan

One sure sign that the Republican party has fizzled is that their attack machine is broken.

For weeks, they've been trying to paint a totally bogus narrative about how President Obama is 'negative' and his whole 'tude is what is harshing the economy's mellow. So of COURSE jobs are being lost because President Badday Osourpuss is bringing us all maybe he should start being positive for a change. You know, like Sarah or Bobby; people who wake up singing "Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, ain't nothing slo-ow me do-wn. (Oh no!)"

Of course, anyone listens to our President give any speech knows that his message is both realistic about the current though times and unrelentingly optimistic about the future. EVERY speech I've heard combines reality and an totally certainty about great things ahead.

The funny part is that Rush Limbaugh sucked all the air from the narrative. The negative thing never really got off the ground. It got lost in Rush's shuffle so NOW what's happened is that the media is listening to President Obama give the same speeches as he's always given and are saying "Well, the President seems be taking advice and being positive!"