
The New Drilling Moratorium

If at first you don't succeed, try again:

July 12 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Interior Secretary Kenneth Salazar issued a revised ban on deep-water oil drilling that may allow new wells if the industry shows it has raised safety standards.

I wonder if they'll cut and paste their "raised safety standards" like they did with their actual "safety standards." And by the way, I'm reasonably certain their new standards won't include the most obvious solution: mandatory relief wells. But why am I so skeptical? Here's Secretary Salazar:

“I remain open to modifying the new deepwater drilling suspensions based on new information,” Salazar said in the statement. “But industry must raise the bar on its practices and answer fundamental questions about deepwater safety, blowout prevention and containment, and oil spill response.”

Doesn't sound like relief wells will be part of the plan.