
The Punch-Me Face Rules Their World

Punch-Me Face Beck's ridiculous rants are now being repeated by very serious reporters. Aboard Air Force One today, a reporter asked deputy press secretary Bill Burton a question based upon Beck's latest Mao obsession:

QUESTION: One more question — have you — do you any comment on Anita Dunn’s belief that Mao is one of her favorite political philosophers?

MR. BURTON: I caught some of that from the Glenn Beck show yesterday, but I don’t think anybody takes it — takes his attacks very seriously. We’re just — you know, we go day to day in this White House trying to ensure that people know the truth about the policies and programs and positions that the President holds, and we’re going to continue to do that.

I'd love to track down which reporter it was and ask him or her if they typically hork their questions from escaped mental patients.