The Media

The Very Serious Washington Post…

...published an op/ed in which columnist Kathleen Parker insinuates that Senator Obama and John Edwards are gay.

Well, at least they didn’t kiss. I was bracing myself for the lip lock Wednesday when John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama.

Obama and Edwards make an attractive picture -- Ultra Brite cover boys of youth and glamour

Obama and Edwards look and talk pretty, but Clinton, unflinching and steely, exudes pure brawn. When the time comes to sit across from the likes of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a chill in the heart may beat a thrill up the leg.

And this is a follow-up to another Parker column in which makes a huge case in favor of white supremacy.

We love to boast that we are a nation of immigrants — and we are. But there's a different sense of America among those who trace their bloodlines back through generations of sacrifice.

Again, the problem isn't with the racist yokels who won't vote for Senator Obama just because he's black or because they believe an obvious e-mail scam about his religion. The problem is with Senator Obama himself, of course. He's to blame for all this. Not the racists, and definitely not the stupids.

And this will be the Republican argument against Senator Obama in the general election. The Nixonian Southern Strategy. That's all they've got. And they're going to hit it over and over and over.