
The Wingnut Payback Game

The wingnut freakout over the president's response to the Underpants Bomber is proof that the far-right is only interested in a childish game of paybacks. They're simply taking criticisms of Bush and using them to attack President Obama, regardless of whether there's any real similarity (there isn't).

We ripped Bush's response to Katrina, so they're ripping President Obama's response to the failed Underpants Bomber. Of course this begs the comparison -- Katrina? Underpants Bomber? Similar, right?

This is all about, "See how you like it, liberals! NAA-NAA!"

Furthermore, at this point there should be no doubt that if there's ever a successful terrorist attack that the Republicans will call for the impeachment of President Obama. Or that they would have if Gore was president on 9/11.

Don't forget that after the successful terrorist attacks of 9/11, Bush's approval ratings shot up to 90 percent. The Underpants Bomber was a total fail, and, reading the wingnut blogs and Twitters, you'd think President Obama put him up to it. But the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil was a major win for Bush. How does that work?

To repeat, the attack failed! Nothing happened. The plane landed on time and the Underpants Bomber is in custody. There is nothing about this botched attack that requires the president to be physically inside the White House.

But you know, maybe we should get Peter King's opinion on this, no? Where's Dick Cheney? The cable news and Politico people are just totally in love with the wingnuts on this one despite the fact that their gripes are as totally ridiculous, incongruous and self-contradictory. Shocker.

Adding... This is Karl Rove's entire thing -- simply recycling attacks on Bush and using them against President Obama.