
There's Still a Climate Crisis, By the Way

The AP delivers the harrowing news:

The ice of Greenland and the rest of the Arctic is melting faster than expected and could help raise global sea levels by as much as 5 feet this century, dramatically higher than earlier projections, an authoritative international assessment says.

The findings "emphasize the need for greater urgency" in combating global warming, says the report of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), the scientific arm of the eight-nation Arctic Council.

No one gives a flying shit about this issue. And they won't until the water is flooding in all around them and Wingnut Florida is mostly underwater. Even then, the far-right will suggest that the best way to fix the flooding and massive loss of life in places like Bangladesh will be, of course, tax cuts and deregulation. Nope, I'm not feeling particularly hopeful.