The Media

This is CNN

Picard and Riker Facepalm

CNN’s coverage of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 has been comparable to their coverage of the infamous Poop Cruise, but this is going a bit far even for them.

Asked and answered, CNN host Don Lemon “just put it out there” to Brad Meltzer of the Aliens History Channel that the supernatural power of god may have made flight 370 disappear.

“Especially today, on a day when we deal with the supernatural, we go to church, the supernatural power of God. You deal with all of that,” Lemon said to Meltzer. “People are saying to me, why aren’t you talking about the possibility — and I’m just putting it out there — that something odd happened to this plane, something beyond our understanding?”

“We all kind of roll our eyes at conspiracy theories, but what conspiracy theories do is they ask the hardest, most outrageous questions sometimes,” Meltzer responded. “But every once in a while they’re right. I think why it’s captured our attention is because there’s no logical explanation right now.”

“I’m not one of those believers that aliens came down or anything like that,” he added. “But you do have to stop and go, how does a jetliner with almost 200 people on it just disappear? How are they just gone?”

How are they just gone?

I’m no expert but I suspect if the plane is indeed at the bottom of the fucking ocean, it would probably appear as if they’re “just gone.”