
Top Ten Fixes To The Senate Bill

I've been thinking about the 10 things I'd like to see fixed with the Senate bill. Here they are in no particular order of importance.

1. Add a public plan or Medicare buy-in to the exchange.

2. Implement the exchanges sooner.

3. Implement the subsidies sooner.

4. Make up the deficit hit caused by the near-term implementation of the exchanges by adding a rollback of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent. I'm not wonky enough to know whether they will perfectly offset, but since everyone in Congress is hawkish about the deficit and not so much on the wars...

5. Remove the anti-trust exemption. Not a fix so much as an add-on.

6. Add drug reimportation. The Obama administration is authoring a bill to do this. Fixes already!

7. Kill the 12 year exclusivity window for name brand prescription drugs. Just awful and wrong and deadly.

8. Close the Part-D doughnut hole more rapidly.

9. Push the medical loss ratio back to 90 percent.

10. Kill any and all Stupak/Nelson abortion language. Or, make sure to explicitly add language that restricts federal funds to pay for erectile dysfunction and, I don't know, hair restoration procedures.

Bonus: Government-funded, government mandated atomic wedgies for Joe Lieberman. Administered daily. By me.