
Trump May Sabotage Isolation Efforts

Written by SK Ashby

While most of the country goes into isolation and lockdown with the largest concern being the health of older or more physically vulnerable people, Trump's primary concern is getting reelected.

It seems likely that 15 days of isolation will not be sufficient, but sources who spoke to CNN say Trump may call for restarting the economy sooner rather than later.

Aides say Trump is itching for the guidelines to be eased at the end of the 15-day period, but realistically there are few health experts who think that's enough time to know whether the measures he announced last week will suffice.

Trump and some of his top officials are growing more anxious with social distancing guidelines put in place to combat the coronavirus, sources close to the White House effort said. One senior official said the President is losing patience with the period of national self-isolation that has frozen the US economy. [...]

Discussions are already underway with advisers over what to do at the end of the 15 days. Trump very much wants to get people back to work, but his medical advisers continue to tell him the country has a way to go before emerging from the worst of the outbreak, a source familiar with the matter said.

The CDC's guidelines for self-isolation have only been in place for one week during a pandemic that could possibly circulate multiple times over the next year and Trump is "losing patience" with it.

I think it's obvious what Trump is really worried about. He's not worried about public health or lives lost; he's worried about getting reelected in November. What he's "losing patience" with is anything that makes it less likely that he'll win. That's all that matters.

That is undoubtedly true for those advising him as well, although their primary concern may be their own net worth and stock portfolios, not the election.

We are governed by lizards who believe people should literally be sacrificed for the good of the market. And you know what? It may be the case that the virus ultimately sickens and kills more Republicans and conservatives because they're the ones who are going to listen to Trump when he says the coast is clear.