Super Stupid

Trump to Canada on Tariffs: You Burned Down the White House

Written by SK Ashby

All of Trump's tariffs on imports from our closest allies and trading partners have been imposed on "national security" grounds, what threat could they possibly pose to our national security?

That's a good question and when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked Trump to explain it, sources say Trump went on a rant about the War of 1812.

According to the sources, Trudeau pressed Trump on how he could justify the tariffs as a "national security" issue. In response, Trump quipped to Trudeau, "Didn't you guys burn down the White House?" referring to the War of 1812. [...]

When asked if the comment was received as a joke, one source on the call said: "To the degree one can ever take what is said as a joke. The impact on Canada and ultimately on workers in the US won't be a laughing matter."

I can only imagine that in this very moment, Trudeau must have realized he was speaking to a fucking idiot.

Canada as we know it today didn't even exist in 1812. What would become the Canada we know was a British colony and the British were responsible for burning the White House. Not that any of that matters anyway, because it was 200-fucking-years ago.