
Trump’s Club is Hiring Another Load of Foreign Workers

Written by SK Ashby

Trump says you should buy American and hire American and, to that end, he's hiring over 60 foreign cooks and servers at the Mar-a-Lago club and resort.

According to federal records, most of the foreign workers will actually be paid less than they previously were.

From USA Today:

The president's Florida resort — which he has promoted as the "Southern White House" — filed requests with the Department of Labor to obtain 61 visas for foreign workers, according to Job Order records posted Thursday by the department's Employment and Training Administration.

The Mar-a-Lago club asked for 40 H-2B visas for servers and another 21 for cooks. The H-2B visa is for "temporary non-agricultural workers." [...]

According to this week's filing, the cooks would be paid at least $13.31 an hour and the servers would be paid at least $12.68 an hour.

The 40 foreign servers will be paid $12.68 per hour, down from the $13.01 per hour servers were paid in January when the Mar-a-Lago last hired a round of foreign workers.

You know, as a limited liability company, Trump's business benefited from the GOP's tax cuts more than most other businesses and they're still paying their employees less money.

I guess they'll be Great Again.

Update... the Mar-a-Lago is apparently hiring 17 additional workers who haven't been counted in federal records yet for a total of 78, not 61.