

Written by SK Ashby

(Cartoonist - Jack Ohman)

In other news, the defense intelligence community is days away from releasing a massive report on UFO sightings by military pilots. The report is not expected to offer any definitive explanation for the sightings.

Meanwhile, the ACLU has filed a challenge against Tennessee's anti-transgender bathroom bill that says businesses must post signs to inform the public if transgender people are allowed to use the bathroom.

You know, even writing that it sounds ridiculous. How about this: a sign that warns me if there are bigots present.

Finally, Britain's food industry says food shortages are coming because the Brexit has created a shortage of 100,000 delivery drivers.

In a June 23 letter sent to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, they called for his personal intervention to allow access to European labour by introducing temporary worker visas for HGV drivers and adding them to a "shortage occupation list".

They warned that without government help Britain's critical supply chains risked "failing at an unprecedented and unimaginable level."

"Supermarkets are already reporting that they are not receiving their expected food stocks and, as a result, there is considerable wastage," said Richard Burnett, the chief executive of the Road Haulage Association, which co-ordinated the letter.

Programming note... I'm planning to be here on Monday, but it's going to be a short day because I have an appointment to get my hair dyed. I made the appointment almost 2 months ago and I'm very excited. I'm going to look very different if all goes according to plan.

Please consider donating during this week's fundraiser and thank you so much to everyone who already has. I can't do this without you.