Foreign Policy Syria

US, Russia Reach Agreement on Chemical Weapons

Russia and the United States have reportedly reached a deal that will see the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons by next Summer.

From the Associated Press

The deal, announced by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Geneva, includes what Kerry called “a shared assessment” of the weapons stockpile, and a timetable and measures for Syrian President Bashar Assad to comply. [...]

“The world will now expect the Assad regime to live up to its public commitments,” Kerry told a packed news conference at the hotel where negotiations were conducted since Thursday night. “There can be no games, no room for avoidance or anything less than full compliance by the Assad regime.”

And there are no boots on the ground and not a single bomb has been dropped. The threat of force was enough.

The American people should be glad that President Obama is willing to use the threat of force to achieve diplomatic ends, because the alternative is refusing to talk to your adversaries and branding them the Axis of Evil while demanding their unfettered compliance.

Obama is not Bush.