War On Women

Wasteful (and offensive) Spending

Listen up ladies -- if you're having a hard time finding a job right now, according to New York State Senator Marty Golden (R) it's because you're not feminine enough! And out of the goodness of his heart, he's going to spend taxpayer money to teach you how to "sit, stand and walk like a model."

As part of a summer series on career development directed at his female constituents, Golden is hosting a taxpayer-funded event called “Posture, Deportment and the Feminine Presence” on July 24. Golden promises to teach Bay Ridge women “the art of feminine presence,” which includes tips on how to “sit, stand and walk like a model” and “walk up and down a stair elegantly."

Golden defended the workshop as simply a way to help women get jobs in a tough market.

Wasting taxpayer dollars while also feigning concern for the jobless and displaying how misogynistic you are is awfully efficient.

And by that I mean Marty Golden is a damn embarrassment.