
We’ve Voted to Secede, Now What?

Out of the eleven counties that voted to secede from Colorado yesterday, five of them including Yuma, Cheyenne, Phillips, Kit Carson, and Washington voted in favor of secession while the other six rejected it.

Here’s a breakdown of the vote from the Denver Post


Now that these five counties have voted to embarrass themselves, what happens next? Do they go to Disney Land?

The creation of a 51st state would require the approval of Congress, and as you’re probably aware Congress can’t even tie their shoes without someone holding their hand, so it’s highly unlikely that these five counties will be granted their wish anytime soon.

Yuma, Cheyenne, Phillips, Kit Carson, and Washington voted in favor of secession because they disapprove of the state’s gun control laws and the unparalleled tyranny of renewable energy standards.

The latter reason is exceedingly ironic when you consider that these counties were among the hardest hit by catastrophic flooding in September that was undoubtedly exacerbated by climate change.