
Why Attacking Glenn Beck is Mandatory

Digby posted sections of Dana Milbank's latest piece about Beck. Specifically there are two noteworthy observations that underline why we need to stay on this faker and not let up.

First, this:

Beck explained -- without benefit of actual fact -- that Obama's advisers favor health-care rationing and sterilants in drinking water, and then he went on to endorse Sarah Palin's allegations that Americans would have to stand before Obama's "death panel" so bureaucrats could decide who was worthy to live.

Yes, the president supports sterilants in drinking water, according to Beck. Now you might be thinking: Oh, that's just a crazy conspiracy theory. Whatevah. Here's why we ought to care:

He averages more than 2 million nightly viewers on his Fox show, brings in $32 million in annual revenue from his various ventures, according to Forbes magazine, and is an unofficial leader of the tea party and its mass anti-government rallies.

I don't buy into this popular notion that if we ignore him he'll go away. He won't. So while he's broadcasting such insane nonsense in the guise of this ridiculous punch-me-face character, we have to be tenacious about calling bullshit on him. We ignore Beck at our own peril.