Is this why David Wildstein is dishing all the delicious details on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie laughing up a storm on the 12th anniversary of 9/11?
The former Port Authority executive's testimony at the Bridgegate trial continued this morning where he told the court that he was seemingly promised a position in Chris Christie's posse that never materialized.
From the Associated Press:
On direct questioning by the government, David Wildstein said he was told by Christie senior staffers to resign in December 2013, three months after the September lane realignment at the bridge plunged the town of Fort Lee into four days of gridlock. [...]
"I had been told by others I was still on the governor's team," he said. "I was told the governor was happy I'd stepped up and taken responsibility."
Wildstein said that assessment came from Christie campaign manager Bill Stepien and political adviser Michael DuHaime.
This just gets better and better.
We already knew Wildstein and several other of Christie's closest staffers and appointees who are on trial have been thrown under a bus by the governor, but we didn't know they (or at least some of them) were told they would still have positions in Christie's inner circle.
Although Wildstein has said the George Washington Bridge lane closures were his idea, he's not the one on trial. Former Christie chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly and former Port Authority deputy director Bill Baroni are facing charges and neither of them have testified yet. There's no telling what they may reveal about their former boss Chris Christie, but we do know a central part of their defense is that Christie knew all about the political revenge plot.
I can hardly wait.