
Wingnut Mailbag

I haven't done this in a while, but this email inspired me to share.

I feel sorry for you because talking about a man of GOD is scary. If I were you I would hide, oh of course, hiding won't help you because GOD Is all seeing, he can find you no matter where you are, you will be punished either here on earth or at the end of time, you are doomed, your words are disgraceful. I will pass on your ungodly words to my friends and ask them to pray that you will
receive the justice you deserve. So be ready. No matter what you and your Muslim Socialist
President say or do God will prevail. This is a Christian nation. I DARE YOU TO READ THE BIBLE
and then when completed I would like to hear from you. I am sorry, I want to pray for you that God will reveal himself to you and you will be saved. I apologize for what I said earlier I DONT WANT ANYONE TO GO TO hell.

Yeah, okay, but he had no problem leaving it in there and sending the email anyway.