
Wingnuttery And The School Speech

A particularly frank moment with Brokaw and Friedman on Meet the Press:

The school districts are treating this speech tomorrow as if it were the airing of a movie featuring nudity or profanity. And of course it's due to wingnut pressure that they're doing this. The districts are "reviewing" the speech for content in the same way they'd pick out a nipple slip or the use of the s-word in a documentary.

That's how silly this is. And it's strictly because the president is black and liberal and the Republicans are crapping their cages about it, thanks in part to the careerism of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

By the way, aren't we still at war?

"The only ideas that they espouse are ways to undermine the troops in harm's way and undermine their commander in chief while they're at war. Your candidates have no idea how to keep this economy strong."
—Sean Hannity, 10/18/06

"He’s the Commander-in-Chief. And what I find frankly repugnant about you and some of your fellow Democrats – you have undermined our president..."

—Sean Hannity, 03/19/06

"You know, Norman, those comments while we are at war, while troops are in harm's way, while he is the commander in chief, do you not see the outrage in that?"

—Sean Hannity, 11/12/07

"I have had it with members of your party undermining our troops, undermining a commander in chief while we are at war..."

—Sean Hannity, 11/05

"You don't criticize the Commander-in-Chief in the middle of a firefight. That could be construed as putting U.S. forces in jeopardy and undermining morale."

—Bill O'Reilly, 04/04

"Can we do it without distorting their legacies and pandering to anti-American elites worldwide and using their deaths to embarrass and undermine our commander in chief?"

—Michelle Malkin, 11/23/05

"On the other hand, if Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Congress are successful in undermining the commander-in-chief (thereby emboldening the terrorists to kill more Americans in Iraq)..."

—Tom DeLay, 04/11/07

"And furthermore, one of the fundamental principles we have in America is that the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces and attempts to undermine the commander in chief during time of war amounts to treason."

—Pat Robertson, 12/07/05

(Note: I mention these quotes to underscore the Republican hypocrisy. I don't suddenly concur with their views just because a Democrat is president.)

Adding... Not to turn this into a "we're better than them" thing, but I'm known as a very liberal, very outspoken blogger who spent much of this decade writing critical things about George W. Bush. But I always urged my daughter to refer to Bush as "President Bush" or "the president." In my household, we respect the office even if we don't respect the man or woman holding it -- be it the office of the presidency or the office of school principal.