The Media

Worst Person

Well, not a person, actually, but a network. CNN has been amping up the Obama Loves The Terrorists crap this week. And today, Benen reports that CNN shorted this quote from the president:

"Al Qaeda is still bent on carrying out terrorist activity. It is -- don't fool yourselves -- because some people say, 'Well, you know, if we changed our policies with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or if we were more respectful towards the Muslim world, suddenly these organizations would stop threatening us.' That's just not the case.

"It is true that we have to change our behavior in showing the Muslim world greater respect, and changing our language and changing our tone. It is true that we have to work very hard for Israeli-Palestinian peace. But what is also true is that these organizations are willing to kill innocent people because of a twisted, distorted ideology. And we, as democracies and as people who value human life, can't allow those organizations to operate."

To this...

"It is true that we have to change our behavior in showing the Muslim world greater respect."

AAAAAH! President Obama is a Muslim Lover! He's with the terrrrrrsts!

Don't forget. CNN was Glenn Beck's previous employer.