
Wrong Answer on Nuclear Loan Guarantees

I wasn't particularly thrilled to see this exchange in Secretary Chu's testimony on the Hill today:

Nuclear energy "has an important role to play in our energy portfolio," Chu said, noting that the president's budget asks Congress for $36 billion in loan guarantee authority to "jumpstart the domestic nuclear industry."

Asked by Texas Democratic Congressman Joe Barton if Obama still supports nuclear construction in the United States, given the crisis in Japan following a potent quake and tsunami there last week, Chu answered:

"We are asking for loan guarantees. The present budget is also calling for small modular reactors. That position has not been changed."

Barton responded: "So that's a yes?"

"Yes," Chu answered.

"Given, again, what has happened, do you and the president want Congress to support the full 36 billion that you have put in the budget?" Barton asked.

"Yes," Chu said.

Ugh. I simply don't see how they can continue to push this budget priority. As soon as the Republicans have a chance, they'll roll back any safety regulations the administration establishes.