President Obama

WTF is Going On Here?

If only the establishment press and cable news doofs were as critical about the pretext for the invasion of Iraq as they are about the current president winning THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE! there would be 40,000 American soldiers and countless Iraqi civilians who'd be living their lives in relative peace right now.

I'm seriously wondering if any level of success this president achieves will actually be described as such. The President of the United States just won the Nobel Peace Prize -- only the third sitting president to ever achieve this -- and it's being treated like a freaking gaffe. Seriously, based on what I've read and overheard, you could easily replace the words "Nobel Peace Prize" with "clinging to their guns and religion."

Simply put: This is only a good thing for America. Nothing less.

Adding... And as for some of the liberals who are treating this like a negative, shame on you, too. This is a great day for the American presidency. But it's more than just about any one man. This is about our collective reputation in the world. If you can't recognize that, then I don't know what else to tell you other than to remember how embarrassed you felt just a year ago when the previous president had utterly reduced our nation to a laughing stock. Show some appreciation for the big picture.