The Media

Your Liberal Network…

...thinks Sarah Palin is like the second coming of the Christ. Every time I look, Andrea Mitchell or Norah O'Donnell is trapped in a sea of wingnuttery explaining how Sarah Palin is a phenomenon.

But here's the reality:

● A CBS poll conducted this month found that only 23 percent have a favorable opinion of Palin; 38 percent have an unfavorable view. Only one in four Americans wants her to run for president; two out of three don't. One in four thinks she has the ability to be an effective president; more than 60 percent disagree. Only 43 percent of Republicans think she could be effective.

● An ABC poll, also conducted this month, found similar results: 43 percent have a favorable impression of Palin, 52 percent unfavorable. A whopping 53 percent of Americans would not even consider voting for her for president, and 60 percent don't think she's qualified for the job.

● A CNN poll conducted last month found that even more Americans -- 71 percent -- think Palin is not qualified to be president.

In other words, she's famous -- but not really that popular, except for the creepy paleoconservative middle-aged wingnut men who are in love with the bubble-headed winky talk. And I wonder how many creepy paleoconservative middle-aged wingnut men are watching MSNBC in the middle of the day.